... 佛山市永盛达陶瓷机械有限公司 Foshan Yongshengda Ceramic Machinery Co., Ltd. 三河威尔德玻璃机械有限公司 Sanhe Weierde Glass Machine Co., Ltd. 江门市普乐化工有限公司 Jiangmen Pule Chemical Co., Ltd. ...
For once the pundits sang the same song as "real Americans" -as one of Ms Winfrey's recent guests, Sarah Palin, likes to call them.
Three-eyes sat down and was tired with the walk and with the heat of the sun, and Two-eyes began the same song as before, and sang, "Three eyes, are you waking?"
So he went, with a stick over his shoulder and a bundle swinging from the end of it, while he sang the same old song of the greenwood.