... 伞形科植物川明参 chuanminshenviolaceum shen etshan 伞形科变形菜属植物 sanicle 伞形科有毒草类植物〔如毒芹之类 hemlock ...
trefoil sanicle 三叶变豆菜
szechwan-yunnan sanicle root 小黑药
Root of Szechwan-Yunnan Sanicle 英文名
szechwan-yunnan sanicle herb 草本三角枫
Wood Sanicle 欧洲变豆菜
azure sanicle 天蓝变豆菜
canada sanicle 加拿大变豆菜
taiwan sanicle 台湾变豆菜
N any umbelliferous plant of the genus Sanicula, of most regions except Australia, having clusters of small white flowers and oval fruits with hooked bristles: formerly thought to have healing powers 伞状变形菜属植物