sans internet storm center
但是这并不意味着用户就可以放下他们的应有警惕,来自负责监测网络威胁的SANS互联网风暴中心(SANS Internet Storm Center)的Swa Frantzen先生表示:“说老实话,病毒并不是什么大问题,但对于当事人来说它仍然是一个警告,Mac系统也不例外,它不存在什么...
sans internet storm center
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
According to security researchers at SANS Internet Storm Center, that's partly a result of a string of attacks on the Web.
FORBES: The Web's Edge
"We are no longer in the world of the teenagers, " says Marcus Sachs of Herndon, Virginia, director of the Sans Internet Storm Center.
FORBES: Criminal Outbreak
According to those who have followed the attack at the SANS Institute's Internet Storm Center, a cybersecurity crisis response organization, the infection tool is partially written in Chinese characters and compiled on a computer with Chinese language settings.
FORBES: Magazine Article