满意解(satisfying solution):决策过程能够得 到令决策者满意的解决方案 满意模式 确定有做决 策的必要 简化问题 订出足够令 人满意的准 则 找出有限的 几个...
pareto satisfying solution pareto满意解
Satisfying solution is obtained in stability of non pressure tunnel surrounding rocks during the establishing period and the repairing period.
A scientist who can find a satisfying solution to an anomaly to the prevailing paradigm is highly honored and rewarded by the science establishment.
As it is a NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem, it is difficult to obtain the optimal or satisfying solution with the increase of the problem scale.
由于该问题是一个NP -完全组合优化问题,随着问题规模的扩大,往往难以求得最优或满意的机器配置方案。