饱和模型(saturated model)是指各观测变量之间均容许相关的最复杂模型,自由度为0.饱和模型其实是人为设定的约束条件最少的模型,纯粹按照数据的相互关系来...
recursively saturated model 递归饱和模型
non-saturated model 非饱和模型
denumerable saturated model 可数饱和模型
saturated countable model 可数的饱和模型
saturated-unsaturated model 饱和
saturated nonstandard model 饱和的非标准模型
Partially saturated BISQ model 非饱和BISQ模型
以上来源于: WordNet
Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the dynamic behavior of the saturated sands is developed.
Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the stress-strain behavior of the saturated sands under the action of monotonic loading is developed.
This model is with in-build steam generator(Electric-steam iron is additional), which can automatically produce high-quality saturated steam to make the operation more efficient and convenient.