... 言行不一 The deeds do not match the words 说一套,做一套 Say this and do that 自圆其说 Make one's statement consistent ...
When you have to say something in English, think first and ask yourself" What words and phrases do I know in English that I can use in this situation?"
I say that I do not like this sort of dreams, and I never would have them if I could help.
I have read much about America and American houses, and I do not think that this is exhibit and what you say is strictly accurate.
You don't have to do this for Wednesday but let's say for next Monday, and that is: I'd like you to memorize a short poem by Yeats or by Frost, either one.
And I want to spend a couple of minutes again reinforcing that. So if we look at that code and we were little more careful about this, what did we say to do? We said look an sorry.
You can say if this is true, then go and do the following pieces of code or puzzle pieces that are inside this part of the block, else go ahead and do these that are down here.