... stay in the present 不要翻旧账 say what you feel when 只说当时的感受 don't generalize 不要一棍子打死人 ...
Feel your power emerge when you say, "I firmly believe that what I have to say deserves to be heard, and can make a difference."
When you can feel you are willing to feel things, time to be able to say what you feel something, it is very happy. -- Tasilen.
当你能够感觉你愿意感觉的东西,能够说出你所感觉到的东西的时候,这是非常幸福的时候。 ――塔西伦。
When I get going again, (which I fully expect), I will owe those who care and helped me a big thank you, because there is nothing big enough to say what I feel.