文章详细信息 关键词: 唐代文人;;艺术特征;;骈体文学;;语言美 [gap=1026]Keywords: scholars in the Tang Dynasty; artistic features; literary works in parallel style; linguistic beauty ..
The fourth section is an analysis of the death reason of the scholars in Tang dynasty, among which deaths caused by artificial reason occupy the largest proportion.
并附带分析了唐代进士与明经年寿差别的原因。 第四部分,对唐代科举出身者死亡原因的统计与分析。
Up to now , the study on Shengshi mainly focuses on Tang Dynasty , and scholars think that Shengshi declined gradually and was replaced by Ci in the Five Dynasties.
The dense historical atmosphere and scholars' consciousness are the outside environment where the literary style emerged in the Tang Dynasty.