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[skuːl] [skuːl]

  • n. (中、小)学校;全校师生;上学时间;上学期间;专科学校;大学,大学期间;(大学的)系,学院;学派,流派;(鱼、鲸、海豚等的)群;<英>(牛津大学的)期末考试大厅;(牛津大学的)期末考试;<英>一伙赌徒;(轮番到酒吧请客喝酒的)酒友
  • v. 教育,培养(儿童);训练,教育;(尤指为竞赛)驯马;(鱼,海兽)成群;强迫自己(做难事)
  • adj. <南非>(科萨人)受过西化教育的;(名字)源自西方的


  [社科] 学校

浅谈威胁校园网络安全运行的原因及对策-两化融合 关键词: 学校;网络;病毒;系统;对策 [gap=665]keyword:school;network;virus;system;countermeasure





  [科技] 学派

学则有派-学科建设-中国风景园林网-中国风景园林领先综合门户 关键字 : 风景园林; 学派; 讨论; 流派 [gap=234]Key words:Landscape Architecture; School; Discussion; Genre






high school 高级中学 ; 高中 ; 中学 ; 歌舞青春高校音乐剧

private school 私立学校 ; 民办学校 ; 私塾

School Days 日在校园 ; 桂言叶 ; 伊藤诚 ; 西园寺世界

graduate school 研究生院 ; 研究所 ; 大学毕业

Primary school 小学 ; 希望小学 ; 小学教师 ; 盼望小学

middle school 初级中学 ; 中学 ; 初中 ; 初中部

school uniform 校服 ; 穿校服 ; 校服系列 ; 穿着校服

High School Musical 歌舞青春 ; 高校音乐剧 ; 歌舞芳华 ; 歌舞青春高校音乐剧

secondary school 中学教育 ; 中等学校 ; 初中

  • 学派 - 引用次数:37

    Laozi is one of the main works of the School of Taoist School; its production enriches our country\'s traditional culture and stock house of thoughts.


    参考来源 - 《老子》行政思想研究
  • 学校 - 引用次数:2239

    Physical education is an important part of school education.


    参考来源 - 小学体育课程目标实施现状的实证分析
  • 流派 - 引用次数:244

    The second and the third chapter discuss the Gongan School.


    参考来源 - 公安派研究
  • 学院 - 引用次数:144

    Finally them are applied in the inner management information system of Management and Economy School.


    参考来源 - 模式化实现多层应用系统客户端功能的研究
  • 流派 - 引用次数:151

    Yu-shan School of Qin was the most important Qin school in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


    参考来源 - 虞山琴派研究
    教材 - 引用次数:31

    参考来源 - 优生学的传播与中国近代的婚育观念
  • 学派 - 引用次数:31

    HFC is the classic work of Huang-Lao school. It is originated from (Lao Zi , but emphasizes more on effectivity with more progressive thought.


    参考来源 - 《黄帝四经》对《黄帝内经》的影响
  • 学堂 - 引用次数:79

    The second part introduces the first main reason of anti-new-style-school behavior: the villagers’ attitude towards education reform.


    参考来源 - 清末江浙地区乡民毁学现象研究
  • 操练;训练教程


school [ sku:l ]

  • n.
    • an educational institution

      "the school was founded in 1900"

    • a building where young people receive education

      "the school was built in 1932"; "he walked to school every morning"

      同义词: schoolhouse

    • the process of being formally educated at a school

      "what will you do when you finish school?"

      同义词: schooling

    • an educational institution's faculty and students

      "the school keeps parents informed"; "the whole school turned out for the game"

    • the period of instruction in a school; the time period when schools is in session

      "stay after school"; "he didn't miss a single day of school"; "when the school day was done we would walk home together"

      同义词: schooltime school day

    • a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers

      "the Venetian school of painting"

    • a large group of fish

      "a school of small glittering fish swam by"

      同义词: shoal

  • v.
    • educate in or as if in a school

      "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions"

    • train to be discriminative in taste or judgment

      "She is well schooled in poetry"

      同义词: educate train cultivate civilize civilise

    • swim in or form a large group of fish

      "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait"

以上来源于: WordNet


school /skuːl/ CET4 TEM4 ( schooling, schooled, schools )

  • 1. 

    N-VAR A school is a place where children are educated. You usually refer to this place as school when you are talking about the time that children spend there and the activities that they do there. 学校


    ...a boy who was in my class at school.



    Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school.



    ...a school built in the Sixties.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT-COLL A school is the students or staff at a school. 全校师生


    Deirdre, the whole school's going to hate you.


  • 3. 

    N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMES A privately-run place where a particular skill or subject is taught can be referred to as a school. 私立专科学校


    ...a riding school.


  • 4. 

    N-VAR/N-IN-NAMES A university, college, or university department specializing in a particular type of subject can be referred to as a school. 学院; 系


    ...a lecturer in the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • 5. 

    N-UNCOUNT School is used to refer to college. 大学 [美国英语]


    Jack eventually graduated from school, got married, and got his first real job.


  • 6. 

    N-COUNT-COLL A particular school of writers, artists, or thinkers is a group of them whose work, opinions, or theories are similar. 学派; 流派 [usu with supp]


    ...the Chicago school of economists.


  • 7. 

    V-T If you school someone in something, you train or educate them to have a certain skill, type of behaviour, or way of thinking. 训练; 教育 [书面]


    Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.


  • 8. 

    N-COUNT a group of porpoises or similar aquatic animals that swim together 鱼群; 水生动物群

  • 9. 

    V-I to form such a group (鱼、水生动物)成群


in school 在求学

at school 在学校;在上课;在求学

high school 中学

go to school v. 上学

middle school n. 中学

after school 放学后

primary school 小学

in the school 在学校

secondary school 中等学校

elementary school 小学

junior high school 初中

senior high school 高中

graduate school 研究所,研究院

new school 新学校;新学院

medical school 医学院;医学专科学校

business school 商业学校

vocational school n. 职业学校

junior middle school 初中

school year 学年

law school 法学院;法律学校


词根: school


schooling 学校教育;学费


schooling 教育(school的ing形式);培养

  institute, university, school, college, academy


institute 指设立有专门学科的学院,如外语学院、地质学院、建筑学院等。

university 主要指综合大学,一般由多个学院组成。当泛指大学时通常用college表示。

school 指大学所属的学院或系。

college 多指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。

academy 指(高等)专科院校或研究专门学术的学校。



  • And whatever we want to do, it's outside the school or on our own or like private school or association outside."

    VOA: special.2009.11.05

  • So, his letters come out of this western land, New Mexico, and a land of criminality, the reform school.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选

  • For me, like as a director, I don't really think like coming out of school, I'll be like directing right away.


    要成为导演 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • In 2009, she earned a Journalism Law School fellowship from Loyola Law School in California.

    CNN: About

  • In 2010, the group opened its Kopila Valley School, which today educates more than 350 students.

    CNN: Hero Maggie Doyne

  • Gangel was born and raised in New York City where she attended The Dalton School.

    CNN: About



in school 在求学

at school 在学校;在上课;在求学

high school 中学

go to school v. 上学

middle school n. 中学

after school 放学后

primary school 小学

in the school 在学校

secondary school 中等学校

elementary school 小学

junior high school 初中

senior high school 高中

graduate school 研究所,研究院

new school 新学校;新学院

medical school 医学院;医学专科学校

business school 商业学校

vocational school n. 职业学校

junior middle school 初中

school year 学年

law school 法学院;法律学校

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