...胞进化与癌症生物学系、分子与基因医学系、分子微生物学与免疫学系、生理学与药理学系等; 牙医学院(School of Dentistry):社区牙医学系、牙髓病学系、综合生物科学系、口腔颌面外科学系、正牙学系、病理学与放射学系、儿童牙科学系、牙周病学系、牙修...
...aulty of Health Sciences)包括:阿德莱德大学医学教学组(Medicine Learning & Teaching Unit),牙科学院 (School of Dentistry),医学科学学院(School of Medical Sciences),解剖和病理教研室 (Discipline of Anatomy and Pathology),临床和试验药理教研室...
健康科学院(Faculty of Health Sciences) 牙医学系(School of Dentistry) 健康及复健科学系(School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences) ..
...各位师长 的共同努力下,终于在 2008 年与临床牙医学研究所及口腔生物科学 研究所共同获准设立牙医专业学院(School of Dentistry)。历经五十 多年的岁月,不论在教学、服务及研究各方面已有长足的进步。
Graduate School of Dentistry 歯学研究科
technical school of dentistry 牙医专科学校
Nihon University School of Dentistry 出版商
Showa University School of Dentistry 昭和大学歯学部
School of Clinical Dentistry 临床学学院
School of Medicine and Dentistry 医学和牙医学院 ; 医学与牙医学院 ; 医学院
School l of Dentistry 牙医学院 ; 牙科学院
School of Dentistry; Health Science University of Hokkaido; Hokkaido; Japan;
“They're learning the physical skills of dentistry from the very beginning,” said Dr. John B. D. Featherstone, dean of the UCSF School of Dentistry.
The UCSF school of Dentistry also is a top research institution and has since 1992 ranked first among U.S. dental schools in funding from the National Institutes of Health.