...拉卡脱斯,都不再回 避形上学的问题,因为从否证论、到「典范(paradigm)、再 到「科学研究纲领(scientific research program),其间所牵涉 的一个议论主轴,正是「理性与历史这项典型的形上学问题, 而不再是科学定律和经验证据这类属于「标准观点的问...
An estimated 3, 500 professionals are expected to attend and the program schedule contains more than 500 scientific sessions featuring research presented for the first time.
大约3 500名专家会出席会议,大会日程中包括超过500个科学会议,会议中的研究都是第一次被提出的。
The study itself is only part of an international scientific effort known acronymically as GARP (for Global Atmospheric Research Program).
The Scientific Committee of the IWC has explicitly stated that the results generated by the Japanese Whale Research Program in the Antarctic (JARPA) "were not required for management".
A lot of Freudians have tried and made a research program of extending their ideas scientifically, bringing them to robust scientific tests.