... scintillation counter 闪烁计数器 scintillation detector 闪烁检测器 scintillation eammacamera 闪烁伽玛照像机 ...
nai scintillation detector 碘化钠闪烁探测器
monocrystal organic scintillation detector 单晶有机闪烁探测器
liquid scintillation detector 液体闪烁侦检器 ; [核] 液体闪烁探测器
monocrystal mineral scintillation detector 单晶矿物闪烁探测器
neutron fission-scintillation detector 中子裂变闪烁探测器
organic scintillation detector 有机闪烁探测器
the scintillation detector 闪烁谱仪
cerium fluoride scintillation detector cef3闪烁探测器
sodium iodide crytal scintillation detector 释义碘化钠晶体闪烁探测器
This plastic scintillation detector is not fit for measurement of the total of pulse fission neutron with low intensities.
参考来源 - 载~6Li塑料闪烁探测器性能研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The software structure design for Liquid Scintillation detector of tritium was introduced.
The sensitivity of liquid scintillation detector for DT neutrons is measured with pulse neutron tube.
This paper describes the application of radon detecting technique using liquid scintillation detector in uranium prospecting.