Market timing is a giant game of scissors, paper, stone.
Listing 9 contains a complete representation of the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game implemented with GPars using a Coordinator actor and two Player actors.
清单 9 含有对 “Rock, Paper, Scissors” 游戏的完整表示,该游戏是通过 GPars 使用一个 Coordinatoractor 和两个 Playeractors 实现的。
As the game "Love Plus" has voice recognition software, SAL9000 says it's possible to have a sort of conversation with Nene or even play simple games such as rock, paper, scissors.
由于《爱上爱》这款游戏有声音识别软件,所以SAL 9000可以和妻子交谈,甚至可以和她玩石头、剪子、布等简单的游戏。