鸭(merganser)、以及三种海番鸭(Scoter)。在卑诗省海岸的三种海番鸭中,最常见者为冲浪海番鸭(Surf Scoter),其次为白翅海番鸭,还有黑色海番鸭。
Velvet Scoter 斑脸海番鸭
Common Scoter 黑海番鸭
Black Scoter 黑海番鸭
Surf Scoter 斑头海番鸭 ; 海番鸭 ; 斑头海番鸭海凫
White-winged Scoter 斑脸海番鸭
Van Scoter 名字
Black Scoter Melanitta nigra 黑海番鸭
Scoter Way 街道地址
N any sea duck of the genus Melanitta, such as M. nigra (common scoter), of northern regions. The male plumage is black with white patches around the head and eyes 海番鸭属潜鸭