secondary storage [计] 辅助存储器 ; 二级存储 ; 次存储装置 ; 次级储存
Secondary storage device 助存储设备 ; 辅助存储设备 ; 外存设备 ; 助存储装备
secondary storage medium 次要储存体 ; 辅助存储介质 ; 辅助储存体
Secondary Storage VM 二级存储虚拟机
secondary storage allocation [计] 辅助存储器分配
Grid Access to Secondary Storage 辅助存储器的网格访问 ; 存储器的网格访问 ; 存储器网格访问 ; 网格访问
Sequential Access Secondary Storage 顺序存取二级存储技术
Global Access To Secondary Storage 全局二级存储服务
Secondary Storage Media 辅助存储介质
HANA employs an in-memory, data source agnostic computing engine, where data to be processed is held in RAM instead of reading from secondary storage devices thus providing a performance boost.
Write operations occur through the primary node and are performed to the local storage and secondary storage simultaneously (see Figure 3).
If the page is modified, the page replacement daemon writes the page out to a secondary storage location (for example, paging space or file system disk).