支持Android 2.1
...声音和影像当中根据目的与用途的不同主要将此种资讯隐藏技术分成四類: (1) 隐藏技术:隐藏技术是将一段秘密讯息(Secret message)或秘密影像 (Secret image)嵌入至遮蔽影像(Cover image),产生一张伪装影像 (Stego Image)。
37—8l:未嵌入秘密消息(secret message)的载体称为掩饰对象(cover-object),经过一定的嵌入机制把消息嵌入到载体中 以后,所得到的载密体称为隐秘对象(stego—object...
Send A Secret Message 漏泄春光 ; 通风报信
a secret message to you 大果子瑞塔
top secret message 极机密电
Val's Secret Message 土国瓦尔纳伐司的秘密讯息
Secret message hiding 秘密消息隐藏
additional secret message 附加秘密信息
In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message hidden within the work.
We intercepted and decoded a secret message from their embassy.
At first nobody could work out the secret message the dead man had left.
You can brute force it and unfortunately, the so-called Caesar cipher is not very secure because if you assume, for our purposes in English alphabet with 26 characters, say all lowercase for all uppercase, my God, you only have to try like 24, 25, 26 possible rotations until you can figure out what his secret message is.
It's a secret number so that if Julius Caesar scrambled his message with the key 13, well, then the recipient had better know what that number is or realistically, -- and this is why it's kind of hard to buy -- into some of these age old algorithms, -- what would an alternative approach be to figuring out Julius Caesar's messages to his generals if he didn't know that secret number was 13?
支持Android 2.1