section map model 剖面图模型
structural section map 构造剖面图
geological section map [地质] 地质剖面图
geological l section map 地质剖面图
Map section 截面图
Map Information Section 地图资讯组〔地政总署组别
By knowing the surface information of the geologic bodies, the planar section map and three-dimensional section map can be generated along arbitrary directions, which reflect the outer profile and inner structure of the geologic bodies.
参考来源 - 三维地质建模与剖面图生成·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A method of surveying cross section map is introduced unwanted center line piles.
Finally, there are four types of representation models based GIS, which are plan, contour map, histogram and section map.
A new method of surveying cross section map is introduced and the method is simple and convenient and can raise operational efficiency and work quality.