axial section plane 轴位断面
fault-plane section 断层面剖面
plane of section 指一个方向切开
isothermal plane or section 等温面或等温剖面
And we contrast and analyze the results in detail. It proves that the section plane surface rendering algorithm based on volume data is superior to other algorithm.
参考来源 - “虚拟中国人男一号”脑部体数据任意切面绘制·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The gas porosity of section plane was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
D figure information of any section was also attained after spatial mapping transformation between CCD image plane and light-section plane.
Then, based on the decomposition of task section plane of general missile control software, the procedures for the operational reliability .