Last Section String 最后一条断面弧
First Section String 第一条断面弧
Hybrid Warm String Section 混合字符串科温
Hollywood Studio String Section 好莱坞一家电影制片厂的字符串科
In this way a section string player can be an artist, contributing and responding to the churning, shape-shifting, symbiotic entity that is the symphony orchestra.
Once synthesized, the histones move into the cell nucleus, where a section of DNA wraps around them to form a structure that resembles beads, or knots, on a string.
一旦合成,组蛋白就会进入细胞核,细胞核内的 DNA 片段会将组蛋白包裹起来,形成一种类似串珠或绳结的结构。
This section describes how to persist a string value with the provided templates.
Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.