一种不依赖TPM的安全引导方式的设计与实现 关键词:信息安全;安全引导;预引导系统;kexee;完整性度量 [gap=1043]Key words:information security;secure boot;pre-boot system;kexec;integrity measure
Windows 8采取UEFI(同一可扩大固件接口)平安启动(Secure Boot),防止未经授权的领导装载法式(OS Loader)在BIOS中启动,UEFI只启动经由过程认证的领导装载法式,好比Win8,而恶意软件则无法再...
secure boot policy 安全启动策略 ; 安全启策略
Secure Boot Control 安全启动控制 ; 安全引导控制 ; 安全启动设置
UEFI Secure Boot 安全启动
Secure boot status 安全启动
secure boot conteol 安全启动
River in curved channel, due to an encounter with gabion mesh cage or gabion mesh pad, rivers will turn down the natural river flow can secure boot river.
Microsoft has announced that if computer makers wish to distribute machines with the Windows 8 compatibility logo, they will have to implement a measure called "Secure Boot."
微软已经正式宣布,如果计算机制造商希望他们的机器与Window 8兼容,他们必须执行一项名为“安全装载”的措施。
Unfortunately, the 30-year-old has been unable to secure a job this season and is currently keeping fit in a boot camp organised by the German PFA.