电子商务 刘文良整理 33 六、安全电子交易协定(SET) 安全电子交易协定(Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol, SET):是由Visa与MasterCard两大信用 卡组织提出的一种应用在网际网路上以信用卡为 基础的电子...
In this paper, security protocol of EC is regarded as the main research object. Secure Electronic Transaction protocol (SET) is an open standard for the commerce industry as a way to facilitate secure payment of card transactions over Internet.
参考来源 - 电子商务安全协议的分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Secure Electronic Transaction protocol(SET) has guaranteed security problem in the electronic payment process through formulating standard and using cryptogram technology.
The popular protocol of the Secure Electronic Transaction(SET)discussed by this paper has the flaws of the goods atomic transactions and certified delivery atomic in transacting digital goods.