...证券营业部 [gap=1113]Words: transition, business development, strategic choice, strategic implements, security exchange ...
security exchange 证券营业部 ; 证券交易 ; 证券交易所 ; 安全交换 communication security 通信安全 ; 通信保密 ; 通讯安全 ; 通讯保密 ..
Security exchange market 证券交易市场
security exchange tax 证券交易税
security exchange item 安全交换项
security exchange function 安全交换功能
security exchange commission 证管会 ; 证券交易管理会
Asset-Backed Security Exchange 全称资产证券化交易所
Security Exchange Service Element 安全交易业务单元
security exchange offers 证券交换发行
security exchange stamp duty 证券交易印花税
The Security Exchange plays an very important role in the security market of our country.
参考来源 - 证券交易所法律地位分析 (研究生论文)The Security Exchange plays an very important role in the security market of our country. It is not only a place for security exchange, but also a frontal supervisor and manager of securities market.
参考来源 - 证券交易所法律地位分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Where is the company is listed, it shall also report it to the security exchange.
VSAN is a kind of higher security exchange arrays and extensibility mechanism in Fibre Channel.
The establishment of the security exchange of Guangdong promoted the economy of Zhu-jiang Delta Area dramatically.
You have closed end funds, trade as a security listed on the stock exchange, but what they do is own other securities.