...算机脆弱性 安全漏洞 弱点分类法 弱点数据库[gap=754]Key words: Network security, Computer vulnerability, Security flaw, Vulnerability taxonomy, Vulnerability database..
But now multi-effective stegananalysis against them have already come forth. In order to improve steganographic security, according to these steganographic algorithms existing stastical abnormality and the corresponding steganalysis, this thesis proposes steganographic algorithms that can effectively resist statistical analysis , so have better security, the main achievement of this thesis as follows:(1) According to the security flaw in Bit-plane complexity segmentation(BPCS) steganography, i. e. two striking discontinuities in the complexity histogram unambiguously announce the presence of BPCS-based hidden information, this thesis proposed an improved algorithm, We set different threshold values at different bit planes, and construct a function to evaluate the block brightness, then combine region brightness where block locates and block complexity to select bit-plane blocks for embedding.
参考来源 - 抗统计分析的图像密写技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If developers neglect to address all security issues, a future hacker will very likely exploit the flaw to extract confidential information from the website.
A vulnerability is a flaw that makes it possible for a program to fail to meet its security requirements.
There lies the power, and dangerous flaw, of the Web browser security model.
这展现了 Web 浏览器安全性模型的强大和危险之处。