转头说,新人初来乍到,年老会带小弟出去(Out)见世面(See the world),这时就磨练年老功力了。看一个人的心术,看他的眼神;看一个人的身价,看他的对手;看一个人的底牌,看他的朋友。
See the world indifferently 沧海一声笑
to see the world 见世面 ; 阅世 ; 看世界
See the World Indifferenthly 沧海一声笑
See The World Beautiful 看看美丽的世界
See the World Up Close 近距离看世界
Went to see the world 去看世界 ; 去看了世界
To see the world map 看世界地图
I See The World 我在看世界
You need to create a sort of blank slate within yourself to begin reconstructing how you see the world.
Cynicism, in all its guises, really may make us see the world more realistically—though at a high personal cost.
Everything keeps changing—that is how we should see the world.
Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry.
VOA: special.2010.08.03
I would love to get around and see the world.
He claimed that children at this age literally can't understand that others can see the world differently from them.