seed crystal [晶体] 晶种 ; 种晶
sapphire seed crystal 蓝宝石籽晶 ; 蓝宝石晶种
non seed crystal 非熟料晶种
new seed crystal 新型晶种
seed crystal density 籽晶密度
primary seed crystal 初生晶种
Sodium acetate, the chemical found in many hand warmers, will suddenly crystallize if you prepare a saturated solution and pour it onto a seed crystal.
Natural diamond with seed crystal is discovered for the first time in Hunan Province by the study of synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction topography.
After adopting crystal seed burning in shaft kiln, the existing LFEF bag filter appeed a serial of abnormal working condition like dew etc.
安徽省东关水泥厂立窑采用晶种煅烧工艺后,原用LFEF 装除尘器出罢了结露等一系列不良工况。