... fat fat day 肥肥日... 详细翻译>> seed-grain; seed-corn 谷种... 详细翻译>> a fat cat 暴发户; 肥猫... 详细翻译>> ...
seed corn 播种用的玉蜀黍 ; 谷种
Pine seed corn 松仁玉米
seed corn grader 玉米种子定级员
seed corn production 谷种生产
corn cockle seed 麦仙翁籽
corn seed 玉米种子
threshing performance of seed corn 玉米种子脱粒特性
seed of corn 玉米种子
corn seed oil 玉米籽粒油分
同义词: seed corn seed grain
以上来源于: WordNet
N the good quality ears or kernels of corn that are used as seed 谷种
None of the candidates wants to eat the seed-corn of California by hurting the universities.
In short, savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest.
Other kinds of corn have less water and do not pop. When you heat a seed of corn, the water inside makes the corn explode.