Register for Selective Service 兵役登记
selective service 义务兵役 ; 兵役注册 ; 义务兵役制 ; 兵役登记局
Selective Service System 选征兵役制 ; 义务兵役制 ; 征兵局 ; 制度
selective service law 选征兵役法
selective service registration form 义务兵登记表
selective service administration 选择性的服务管理
selective service act 选征兵役法
Marion Mitchell Morrison remained his legal name for income tax forms , selective service records , deeds , mortgages , and wills , but the name never suited him .
Just recently we have collected evidence of falsification by Obama on his Selective Service Application.
However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.
然而,选征兵役制作为意外事故防范计划还保留着。 法律规定年纪18-25的公民必须进行登记注册,以备紧急需要时能迅速恢复义务兵役。