Be Puffed Up With Self-importance 官气十足
extreme self-importance 极端的自我
assume air of self-importance 唯我独尊
The Importance of Self-confidence 自信的重要性 ; 自信的重要 ; 自负的紧张性
An exaggerated sense of self-importance 自负
self-importance and indulgence in merry-making 奇气冶习
The Importance of Self-education 自学的重要性
the importance of self 自信的重要
The Importance of Self-co 自信的重要性
同义词: egotism swelled head
以上来源于: WordNet
Many visitors complained of his bad manners and self-importance.
Self-importance, not clarity, seems to be the main concern.
Because where I grew up there really wasn't much tolerance for self-importance, people who put on AIRS.