... Self-Organizing Map SOM 自组织映射 self-organizing map network 自组织映射网络 Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map 生长型分级自组织映射 ; 生长 ...
self-organizing feature map network 自我组织特征映射图网路 ; 自组织特征映射网络
self-organizing map neural network 自组织映射神经网络
self organizing character map network 自组织特征映射网络
self-organizing feature map network som 自组织特征映射网络
self-organizing map som neural network 自组织映射神经网络
The paper briefly introduces the fundamentals of neural network of self-organizing feature map and on the basis of which discusses the classification of land reclamation conditions.
In this paper, the basic principle of the clustering algorithm based on self-organizing feature map network is discussed, and pointed out its defects.
Self Organizing Map is a method of artificial neural network, which implements pattern recognition and data clustering simultaneously.