...词: 无线传感器网络;路由协议;自组织网络[gap=546]Keywords:Wireless sensor network;Routing protocol;Self-organizing network ...
Wireless Self-Organizing Network 无线自组网
SON Self-Organizing Network 自组织网络
self-organizing network routing 自组织网络路由
wireless mobile self-organizing network 无线移动自组织网
Self-Organizing Overlay Network 自组织覆盖网络
self-organizing connectionist network 自组联结主义网络
self-organizing map network 自组织映射网络
Mobile Ad Hoc network is a self-organizing network in which routing protocols play an important role.
参考来源 - AODV和AOMDV路由协议性能分析与比较Wireless Sensor Network is a self-organizing network, so that the information of physical environment will take the initiative to send information to the human world by wireless network.
参考来源 - 基于ARM的无线传感网络网关的设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The route protocol of the wireless self-organizing network was designed based on DSDV and DRS protocols.
The wireless mobile self-organizing network is an equal wireless communication network which has no center.
Especially important was the easy, flexible self-organizing network that could be installed and operational in a very short time.