human resources Self directed teams 自我指导工作小组
self directed work teams 自我指导工作团队
The New Self-Directed Work Teams 自我管理型团队
SDWT Self Directed Work Teams 自我指导工作团队
self-directed work teams 自我管理团队
Scrum's distinctive emphasis among the methods is its strong promotion of self-directed teams, daily team measurement, and avoidance of prescriptive process. Some key practices of Scrum include.
Whether they are labeled a self-directed work group, a project team, a task force or a cross-functional work group, most teams function in a much more participative way than in the past.
是否他们被分类一个自我指示的工作团体、一个计画队、一个特别工作小组或者跨功能的工作团体, 大多数的队在一个更加参与式的方法动作超过过去。