... 3 Sweep 清扫 2 分类 Sort 1 Sift 筛选 5 Self discipline 自律 5S 目视控制 TPM 标准化作业 快速换产 小包装 小批量 柔性生产 供应商伙伴关系 ...
Self-discipline 自律 ; 常自律 ; 自我约束 ; 自律性
trade co-ordination and self-discipline 行业协调和自律
Self-discipline and Social Commitment 厚德载物
in self-discipline 在自律方面
Hardworking and self discipline 工作努力并自律
Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline.
It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.
He may lack self-discipline and have difficulty making decisions on his own.
Everyone, according to the logic ofAreopagitica everyone has the potential to assume the inner authority of conscience and self-discipline.
The kind of discipline and self-restraint necessary for an educated mind appears, for him, to be unequally divided among human beings.
All of the self-discipline and all of the self-denial in the world can do nothing -- this seems to be one of the implications of this poem - can do nothing to protect the poet from an untimely death.