影响高职生学习效能感形成因素研究_职教论文_范文先生网 关键词】自我效能感;学习效能感;高职生 [gap=707]Key words】Self efficacy;Learning self-efficacy;Higher vocational education
Self-efficacy 自我效能感 ; 自我效能 ; 自信心 ; 效能
Perceived Self-efficacy 自我效能感 ; 知觉到的自我效能 ; 自我效能知觉 ; 我效能知觉
sense of self-efficacy 自我效能感 ; 效能自我评价
career self-efficacy 生涯自我效能 ; 职业自我效能 ; 职业自我效能感 ; 自我效能感
General Self-Efficacy Scale 一般自我效能感量表 ; 自我效能感量表 ; 一般自自己效能感量表 ; 一般自
Computer self-efficacy 电脑自我效能 ; 我效能 ; 计算机自我效能感 ; 计算机自我功效
academic self-efficacy 学业自我效能感 ; 学业自我效能 ; 学习自我效能感 ; 学业自我技能
general self-efficacy 自我效能感 ; 一般自我效能感 ; 一般自我效能
self-efficacy theory 自我效能论 ; 自我效能感理论 ; 自我效能感理論
Albert Bandura, on your reading about, for this week, has done a lot of work on the concept of self efficacy which is essentially the academic term for believing in oneself.
Each one will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you've tackled and achieved some concrete goals; by doing so, you boost your feelings of self-efficacy, which can boost happiness.
The researchers found that the use of text-messaging significantly increased “self-efficacy” (the effectiveness of treatment, measured by questionnaire).