Self-examination 自查 ; 自我反省 ; 反省 ; 自我检讨
Self-Study Examination 自学考试 ; 自学
self-taught examination 自学考试 ; 自学 ; 䗐
breast cancer self-examination 乳癌的自我检查
Undergraduate higher education self-examination 本科高校教育反思
self-examination teaching 自学考试助学 ; 反思性教学
self-taught examination textbooks 自学考试教材
skin self-examination 皮肤的自我检查
Breast self-examination is invaluable for detecting cancer in its very early stages.
The events in Los Angeles have sparked a new national self-examination.
But before you rush out to trade in that tired old job for something new and invigorating, there's a lot of planning and self-examination that needs doing.