semifluid extract of motherwort 益母草膏
semifluid extract of deer foetus 鹿胎膏
tonic semifluid extract of ginseng 人参滋补膏
lung-nourishing semifluid extract 润肺膏
Hehe Tonic Semifluid 合和滋补膏
semifluid high-energy 半流质高能食品
semifluid mass 半流质
semifluid oil 半流质油
ADJ having properties between those of a liquid and those of a solid 半流质的
N a substance that has such properties because of high viscosity 半流质
tar is a semifluid
The net disappearance rate of DM, ADF and CL of RSP, DM of RSS in semifluid media was higher than that in liquid media.
Semifluid mixtures of organic compounds consisting of resins dissolved in a volatile oil, turpentines can be distilled into the volatile oil of turpentine and the nonvolatile rosin.