A unique feature of IBM Rational Rapid developer is that it allows architects and senior developers to define design patterns for constructing the application.
IBM Rational Rapid Developer的一个特色是它允许架构师和高级的开发人员为应用的构建定义设计模式。
Unlike RAD approaches of the past, IBM Rational Rapid developer provides architects and senior developers with a great deal of control over application development.
不像过去的快速应用开发方法,IBM Rational Rapid Developer给架构师和高级开发人员大量的应用开发上的控制。
IBM Rational Rapid developer provides architects and senior developers with an advanced tool, the partition architect, to create partition and deployment definitions for the application.
IBM Rational Rapid Developer提供给架构师和高级开发人员一个高级的工具,Partition Architect,使用它可以为应用创建划分和部署定义。