... Judge Dredd特警判官;超时空战警;德拉德法官;特警判官德雷德 senior judge高级法官;资历深的法官;资深法官 associate judge无行政职务的法官;副法官;副审判长;法院法官 ...
Lord Neuberger, the second-most-senior judge in England and Wales, has expressed cautious approval for televised hearings.
The state's most senior judge, Supreme Court Chief Justice Jim Spigelman, declined a request to be interviewed for this article.
Jim Spigelman是国家最高级法官,也是最高法院的审判长(首席法官),他拒绝了为他的文章作采访的请求。
The seizure warrant was issued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico by U.S. District Senior Judge Salvador E. Casellas.
查封令由美国地方法院波多黎各区高级法官萨尔瓦多 卡塞拉斯开具。