感官知觉,官觉 Sense-perception ; Sensory perception 感觉性乐歌不能,感觉性音乐不能,乐音聋 Sensory amusia ; tone-dumbness .
sense perception 感觉 ; 感性知觉 ; 感官印象
Sense Perception Design 工业设计有限公司 ; 心觉工业设计有限公司
sense perception industrial design 心觉设计
emotion associated with sense-perception 与感知觉有关的情绪
a sense perception 一种感觉
The conditions of knowledge, the aspects of it in human beings, depends also on the mind in a kind of "apriori" way, in forms and categories that are present, even before sense perception takes place.
It is more than just the sense perception of the chair or the perception of the table or the glass of water.
It is not just beyond sense perception but above the world of the senses.
Shklovsky in particular is very much preoccupied with - the sense of the automatization or automism-- I much prefer the latter word -of perception, the way in which we no longer really see what's around us.