sensible heat [热] 显热 ; 可感热 ; 感热 ; 显热通量
sensible heat load [热] 显热负荷 ; 显热负荷干吨
sensible heat flow 可感热流显热流 ; [热] 显热流 ; [气象] 可感热流
Sensible Heat Flux 可感热通量 ; 通量
sensible heat exchange efficiency 热交换效率 ; 热交流效率
sensible heat ratio [热] 显热比
sensible heat cooler 显热冷却器
The storage of sensible heat, on the other hand, allows flexibility as to temperature; in addition, safe substances like water and most rocks have large sensible heat capacities.
For systems transforming solar to thermal energy, the thermal energy may be stored in matter as either latent heat or sensible heat.
The sensible heat given by gas is used to preheat and dry fuel.