...:课件 软件大小:0 M 软件语言:中文 感官系统解剖学课件—感觉器官 ·感官系统解剖学课件—感觉器官感觉器官(sensory organs)外感受器---分布于皮肤、口腔、视器、听器等内感受器---分布于内脏、血管壁等处本体感受器---分布于肌、肌腱、关节、内耳等基础医...
人体解剖学教学法 - 曾志成主编 - 缺书网 ... 静脉、淋巴系统VEINLYMPHATSYSTEMM 感觉系统SENSORYORGANS 神经系统NERVOUSSYSTEM ...
Physiology of sensory organs 感觉器官的生理机能 ; 感受器官的生理功能
simulation of sensory organs 感觉器官仿生
Special Sensory Organs 特殊感官机学
the sensory organs 感觉器官的功能 ; 第九章
General Principles of Sensory Organs 感受器的一般生理 ; 第一节
The thalamus carries messages from the sensory organs like the eyes, ears, nose, and fingers to the cortex.
The rocking motion experienced at sea causes a discrepancy between what the eye can see and what our body's sensory organs are telling our brains.
So, there's a whole lot of sensory organs, for instance, focused along your tongue, and that's why that's so big, and an enormous amount on your face but your shoulder isn't even— doesn't even make it on there because although your shoulder might be bigger than your tongue, there's not much going on.