sequence rule 次序规则 ; 顺序规则 ; 顺序法则 ; 序规则
Cahn-Ingold-Preolg sequence rule 顺序规则
pick release sequence rule 挑选发放序列规则
sequence association rule 序列关联规则
executable rule sequence 可执行规则序列
rule evaluation sequence 释义规则评价序列
In some cases, it is also possible to graphically determine the sequence of execution of those business rules using a rule flow.
Even beyond top-down and shift-reduce parser, NLTK also offers "chart parsers" that create partial hypotheses that a given sequence can be continued to fulfill a rule.
甚至,除了top - down和shift - reduce解析器以外,NLTK还提供了“chart解析器”,它可以创建部分假定,这样一个给定的序列就可以继而完成一个规则。
A validation rule to handle invalid messages in sequence diagrams has been introduced. The constraint for this rule can be found in this UML 2.2 specification