用序列和协作图 (Sequence and Collaboration diagram) 查看系统对象、对象中消息和系统逻辑流程 业务建模和简述中开发人员可以利用一个重要功能 Business Modeler 导入/导出 FDL 和...
The system requirements and design models are defined by UML diagrams such as Use Case diagram, Class diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, Component diagram, and Deployment diagram.
The activity diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and the class diagram are used for building the analysis and design model of the sedimentary facies modeling system.
系统中采用了活动图、 用例图、顺序图、交互图和类图建立沉积相建模系统的分析和设计模型。
The study of case figures, sequence diagram and collaboration diagram in UML is carried out in this paper.