serial port 串行接口 ; [计] 串行端口 ; 串行口 ; 串口该选项可以通过重新分配端口地址或禁用端口来避免设备资源冲突
Serial Port Monitor 串口监听软件
serial port communication 串口通信 ; 串行通信 ; 串口通讯 ; MSComm控件
Serial Port Line 串口线
Serial Port Profile 串联式 ; 规范 ; 串列埠设定档 ; 兼容于蓝牙串行式规范
Virtual Serial Port 虚拟串口 ; 虚拟串口程序
Serial Port Terminal 串行端口终端
Serial port setup 串行端口设置 ; 串口通信参数配置 ; 串口设置
Enhanced Serial Port 增强型串口 ; 增强串联埠 ; 加强型串口
In the next dialog are options relating to the onboard serial port and debugging LEDs.
Typically, you connect a serial port to a serial device.
A serial port that identifies the serial port on the build server to which the base station is connected.