...dded system;serial communication controller;fast communication controller [gap=118]关键词:嵌入式系统 串行通信控制器 快速通信控制器 ...
...传输帧的纠错 3.SDLC 帧传输的实现 以上例子 POS 终端选用 Zilog 公司成熟的串行通讯控制器(Serial Communication Controller,SCC)Z85c30 作为SDLC 传输的接收和发送控制器。
...处理模块 (Communications Processor Module,CPM),通信处理模块支持四个串行通信控制器(Serial Communication Controller,SCC),实际上它有八个串行通道:四个SCC,两串行管理控制 器(Serial Management Cha..
integrated serial communication controller 综合串行通讯控制器
asynchronous serial communication controller 异步串行通信控制器
High level Serial Communication Controller 高级串行通信控制器
8274 serial communication controller 串行通信控制器
SCC Serial Communication Controller 串行通信控制器
enhanced serial communication controller 增强式串行通讯控制器
The serial communication controller-85C30 is introduced firstly. The design of 85c30 interface circuit can be found in this part.
Also, it provides the application of serial communication controller (SCC) which realizes the interface circuit linking AM79101 and 51mcu, and its programs.
同时给出了应用双通道串行通信控制器(SCC)实现AM 79101与51单片机接口电路和应用程序设计。
Chapter 4 Display system tells us the working theory of LCD screen controller SED1335. Chapter5-Communication introduces serial communication and USB communication.
第4章显示系统部分介绍了液晶屏控制器SED 1335的工作原理。第5章通信系统部分介绍了串行通信方式和USB通信方式。