... serial title number 刊次号 serial product number 串行产品编号 ; 序号产品编号 ; 系列产品数 serial application number 及申请案号 ...
...间,掉在时间会如此混乱入 i had not known it was troubling you » 我不知道你是令人不安 serial product number » 串行产品编号 ..
Product serial number 序列号 ; 规格
It's like giving each drug container its own serial number that will be associated with that container for the life of the product.
An example epc is "urn: epc: id: sgtin: 1234567.654321.999", where "1234567" is a manufacturer identifier, "654321" is a product class, and "999" is a serial number.
例如,“urn: epc: id: sgtin: 1234567.654321.999”,其中的“1234567”是生产商标识符,“654321”是产品类,“999”是序列号。
The product features an un-circulated one-dollar note with a serial number beginning with "8888," which is seen by many Chinese as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.