service ceiling [航] 实用升限 ; 升高限度 ; 飞行高度 ; 最大升限
SC Service Ceiling 实用升限
helicopter service ceiling 直升机前飞升限
Thanks to this new pricing scheme, developers can now use App Engine to deploy larger and more popular applications on the service without hitting the ceiling of Google's free quotas.
现在有了这个新的定价方案,开发者可以通过App Engine部署大型、更受欢迎的程序,而不用担心突破Google免费配额的上限。
Steel beams and mechanical service pipes are visible across the ceiling, from which hang industrial-looking pendant lights made by a local fabricator.
OK service ceiling or angle of dive might be more relevant, but, if you must compare the weapons, why include the defensive machine guns in a graphical comparison.