service of process 送达 ; 送达法律程序文件 ; 投递 ; 诉讼文件的送达
service of process abroad 诉讼文书国外送达
foreign service of process 外国送达
Service of process by post 邮寄送达
Agent for service of process 送达代收人
the civil service of process 民事送达制度
effects of service of process 送达效力
Service of Process By Entrustment 委托送达
service of legal process 诉讼程序中送达传票 ; 送达
process of service 服务流程 ; 流程
Client applications send orders through the service interface of order process Subsystem to invoke the process.
The service provider catalog is an optional part of the service discovery process.
All these issues ultimately demand regulation of the service creation process.