...,新作〈Go Back To Your Woods〉则让久候多时的歌迷终于有新作可听,专辑同时收录电影「浴火赤子情主题曲〈Set Me In Motion〉,Hornsby音乐生涯的精随,都在这一张精选辑里。
This moment would serve as the spark that set in motion a process of learning life lesson, molding me into the person you’re reading through your computer screen.
也正是这火花闪动的一刻助我开始学习生活课程。 最终把我塑造成你们现读到的我。
Roberts pulled up another Bing map for me, and set in motion a faster-than-real-time playback of one client's day.
This moment would serve as the spark that set in motion a process of learning life lesson, molding me into the person you're reading through your computer screen.