set value control 给定值第
Power set value 权力设置值 ; 电源设定值 ; 电源设置值
off-set value 偏移值
factory set value 工厂设置值 ; 厂设置值 ; 出厂设定值
range of set value [自] 设定值范围
Frequency set value 频率设置值 ; 频率设定值
Set value checking 故障录波器定值校验
the parameter set value 该参数设置值 ; 设置该参数的值 ; 参量设置值 ; 参数设定值
alarm set value 报警设定值
The most set value is probably CFLAGS.
If he does not redeem it, it is to be sold at its set value.
If the cache size is less than the set value, Lotus Quickr does not recycle the cache.
如果缓存大小小于此设置值,Lotus Quickr无法回收缓存。
The idea is to use private capital and private asset managers to help set a market value for the securities.
VOA: special.2009.02.13
Another value for community learning we set up to have office hours, synchronized office hours, with the students and the professor.
self y Notice what I also do here, I create self dot y, give it a value, and then, oh cool, I can also set up what's the radius and angle for this point, by just doing a little bit of work.