... 皇家师姐Ⅲ-雌雄大盗 in the line of duty 七雄大战底比斯 seven against thebes 神话与英雄大观 bbc in search of myths &heroes ...
...(Sophocles)的剧作《伊狄帕斯王》(Oedipus Rex),和名剧作家爱斯奇勒斯(Aeschylus)的《七帅功城》(Seven Against Thebes)的剧情,描述伊狄帕斯王因弑父娶母而自我放逐离开底比斯城(Thebes)后,他的两个儿子伊狄奥克斯与波利尼沙斯为了抢夺王位,发生...
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL the seven members of an expedition undertaken to regain for Polynices, a son of Oedipus, his share in the throne of Thebes from his usurping brother Eteocles. The seven are usually listed as Polynices, Adrastus, Amphiaraus, Capaneus, Hippomedon, Tydeus, and Parthenopaeus. The campaign failed and the warring brothers killed each other in single combat before the Theban walls 七勇士远征底庇斯; 希腊神话中的故事 [Greek myth] → see also Adrastus